MVR in the Insurance Sector Often recording calls from the public into their help desks, insurance companies are now able to use MVR to ensure field based staff have similar protection when [...]
MVR in the Construction Sector Large construction and infrastructure projects often need to ensure staff are safe on sites that cover a wide and varied area, including both developed and [...]
MVR in the Environmental Sector The public perception of a health or environmental inspector is typically someone who examines restaurants and ensures they maintain sanitary standards for food [...]
MVR in the Facilities Sector Facilities companies often service multiple clients with small teams and lone workers, and will often record landline calls as a matter of routine. Many are now [...]
MVR in the Utilities Sector Utilities companies often have call centres and will record calls as a matter of routine, but how can that be extended to cover front line staff, using mobile phones, [...]
MVR in the Property Sector If you are in the property sector as a sales or letting agent or working in a housing association as a housing officer you probably use your mobile a lot. MVR can be [...]
MVR in the Rail Sector Engineering projects on the UKs’ railway system are always likely to come under close scrutiny, particularly if there are issues that have a negative knock on effect for [...]
MVR in the Legal Sector Engineering projects on the UKs’ railway system are always likely to come under close scrutiny, particularly if there are issues that have a negative knock on effect for [...]
MVR in the Financial Sector From early 2018, banks and other organisations offering financial services needed to comply with the new MiFIDII regulations. Mainstream MVR was originally developed [...]
All Aboard with Mainstream Mobile Voice Recording Its been a busy couple of weeks for team Mainstream. If you follow us on Twitter (or LinkedIn) you can’t have failed to notice that we recently [...]